Dienstag, 2. Oktober 2007

GuestCT-Oktober KarenLewis

Kit: GoGoGo by Karen Lewis at digiscrapboutique and digitalfreebies
Wordart Children by bantina at hotspotscraps
Kit: ClimbingTrees by Karen Lewis at digiscrapboutique and digitalfreebies

ClimbingTrees by KarenLewis at digiscrapboutique and digitalfreebies

Montag, 1. Oktober 2007

GuestCT-Oktober Lauraskathi

Kit: Luca by Lauraskathi at thedigichick.com
Kit: Isabel by Lauraskathi at thedigichick.com
Kit: Felix by Lauraskathi at thedigishoppe.com
Kit: Michael by Lauraskathi at thedigishoppe.com
Kit: Michael by Lauraskathi at thedigishoppe.com
Wordart by bantina at hotspotscraps.com